November -
The Principles of Japanese Tableware
The Japanese culture--its beliefs, customs, language, architecture--is quite distinct from others in many ways. As many aspects of Japanese culture remain undoubtedly unique, many are also becoming more....
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October -
The Art of Eglomise
The art of “eglomise” is certainly one of the world's most admired crafts for reasons that include its beauty, dedication, and skill required. Many associate this art with glassware produced in nineteenth century....
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September -
The Three Most Popular Thai Herbs
What makes it Thai? This question about the characteristics of Thai food is often answered with “taste,” “spice,” “flavor,” “colorfulness,” “freshness,” or “healthiness.” The colorful, fresh, and healthy aspects....
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August -
JADE: The Stone of Immortality and Beauty
For many people, jade is associated with gems, the color green, and China; it symbolizes good luck and protection. While it is true that jade is popularly used in jewelry, is commonly seen in shades of green, and is highly....
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July -
The Legend of Daruma
The name "Daruma" is the Japanese variant of the Sanskrit name "Dharma." More specifically, the meanings, beliefs, and legend of Daruma are based on the Indian Buddhist monk known as Bodhidharma. To understand....
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June -
The Lucky Cat
In Japan, good luck charms are everywhere - egg-shaped daruma figures, shiny go-yen coins, and graceful cranes adorn everything from homemade shrines to refrigerator doors. But one of the best-known charms....
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May -
The Art of Beautiful Writing
Calligraphy, the art of fine writing, comes from the Greek term, kalligraphia, meaning "beautiful writing." It's hard to pinpoint exactly when it originated, although many believe it evolved from early cave paintings. Over the....
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April -
All Steamed Up: Springtime Mushimono
Japanese steamed food, or
mushimono, first appeared in the Heian Period (794-1185 AD). Even after more than 800 years, cooking with steam is still an important process in the Japanese kitchen today....
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March -
Chinese ID: The Chop/Seal
In the modern world, people use driver's licenses, computer passwords, and PIN numbers as a means of identification. Expensive keyboards feature a fingerprint scanner, restricting computer access to one user....
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February -
Cast Away Illness with Cast Iron
For centuries, people have believed and proven that drinking liquids from certain metal containers allows one to consume not only the beverage, but also the metal’s essential minerals and vitamins. From drinking...
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January -
Think incense, and religious ceremonies might come to mind. Think cosmetics, embalming and medicines, and incense might be the last thing you would think of. It's hard to believe incense is as old as history ....
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